Saturday 23 November 2013


Salam sahabat sume,

Alhamdulillah lepas dah INTERNAL AUDIT, now just to compile Audit checklist + Records then report of the AUDIT RESULT.. This is the 3rd times my company did for INTERNAL AUDIT...Even though INTERNAL AUDIT done but still can't relax yet because next 3 weeks need to face MANAGEMENT REVIEW MEETING pulak.....

Kan saya dah cakap Internal Audit ni best (imagine gaya cakap mcm tiz zaqyah dlm iklan nescafe hehe) because to have a good quality management system , we need MR ISO, because this MR ISO will help's MR ISO can help us...well he will became your personal "PAK GUARD" or " EYES & EAR" to kantoi you kat depan boss then x pasal2 your Miss Sweet BONUS ada effect....  u got what i mean...So before Internal Audit semua staff akan really2 check their files,records, forms and so order to ensure everything is accurate, detail & up to date...

In case the auditor found any non-conformance jaga2 coz you will get love letter from them...and this love letter will be discussed during this "PAK GUARD" telah kantoikan you depan bos and your colleague...(x dapat den nak tolong)...

 OK, see u in my next entry...

Stay Tune...

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